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Collage acrílico en técnica mixta sobre lienzo. Utiliza pinturas acrílicas, arcillas negras y de colores, masilla y papeles y lo trabaja sobre el lienzo. La base (los temas) están impresos en el lienzo: 1er paso, espátula 2do paso: espátula, colores de Lascaux, liquido Krakelier, Barniz con brocha.
1983 at the Higher Technical College of Fine Arts in Graz, Department of Art (Painting), where I graduated in 1988.
1989 to 1992 masterclass for painting at the HTBLA in Linz.
1993 to 1994 Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna.
1995 to 1998 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.
From 1985 to 2000, I worked as an international photo model.
2001 to 2005 perfection of acrylic painting using various painting techniques, especially collages and multimedia
2006 to 2008 I studied at the Academy of Visual Arts in Bad Reichenhall, Germany.
2007 I joined the Association of Visual Artists in Salzburg.
Since 2009 I have been working in Vienna and Graz.
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