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Descripción de la obra

Once upon a time, I used to do horseback riding. I remember how my legs and buttocks used to hurt at first, and I remember the first time I managed to rise in rhythm with the horse in the saddle, and how it immediately became easy and effortless...
It's been a while since I last rode a horse and I don't know if I'll be able to do it again because I have fear - what if I fall? There was no fear of that before, I would just do it without thinking, because why wouldn't it work out, and why should I fall?
This artwork is from the "Life in the Avatar" series and was painted using the artist's unique technique. The painting is signed on both the front and back and is ready to be hung on the wall without a frame. I used the finest quality professional acrylic paints from Amsterdam and Italian cotton canvas from Unico. The painting was created and shipped on a pre-stretched canvas on a wooden frame, and it is packed very carefully in a cardboard box with layers of bubble wrap to protect it.

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