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Descripción de la obra

I do not want any high meanings.
And let some say that this is not art.
That there should be drama in art.
Fed up with this drama.
And I'm not painI am an artist from Ukraine.
I stay in Kyiv and continue to paint the works that, I depict simple human dreams, how everything will be, when peace comes.
I believe that with our dreams we materialize the future, it will be the way I create it.
Dutch acrylic paints Amsterdam and Italian cotton canvas tm Unico were used in a work. Finished by satin varnish. The sides of the painting are covered with acrylic. I called this series of artworks "Life in Avatar". Artwork is signed in front/back and have authors certificate.

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Pequeño 7,9 x 9,9 in160 $
Mediano 22,5 x 27,2 in352 $
Grande 36,3 x 44,1 in461 $
Personalizado7,9 x 9,9 in
160 $

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