Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

In my visions, I am usually alone and I feel good there alone, but sometimes "I wish you were here". When I was painting this work, there was a lunar eclipse. I had to reflect that.
Series "Life in Avatar". It's my personal view of the life that can be lived, but was taken away by Russian aggression. This is my virtual life, as real life now awaits victory. All works are done in the format of photographs, which people use to capture special moments to later share on social media. Each work features the face of Lisa, like perfect Avatar. She has survived more than one war and continues to do so beautifully.
The work is done in mixed media technique. Dutch acrylic paints Amsterdam and Italian fine-grained cotton canvas tm Unico were used. The finish is matte lacquer. The edges of the painting are painted in the same color as the background. No additional framing is required. The work is signed on the back and front and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

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