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Descripción de la obra

In this turquoise landscape, a group of bohemians gather to celebrate life and freedom. The vibrant colors of their costumes stand out against the backdrop, with shades of red, black, and yellow. The extravagant hats are the final touch to their festive appearance. Amidst the lush and serene scenery, these bohemians showcase their love for creativity and originality. The image evokes an atmosphere of melancholy and spontaneity, reminding us of the importance of embracing our freest and most authentic selves.

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Pequeño 9,5 x 7,9 in158 $
Mediano 35,5 x 29,6 in400 $
Grande 60,7 x 51,2 in915 $
Personalizado9,5 x 7,9 in
158 $

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