Información de la obra original

  • País: España
  • Categoría: Pintura
  • Técnica: Óleo
  • Soporte: Lienzo
  • Temática: Retrato
  • Medidas: 23.62 x 28.74 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: blue, black, women, barbie, Superstar

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

Barbie Superstar, created by artist Roberto Gutiérrez Curras, is a powerful image that captures the immediate attention of the viewer. Its immediate and daring style highlights the importance of individuality and courage to be oneself in a world that often pressures us to fit into predefined molds. The choice of intense and contrasting colors emphasizes the strength and confidence of the portrayed model. Through this work, Gutiérrez Curras questions and challenges conventional beauty standards, addressing gender identity and self-acceptance issues.

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Pequeño 7,9 x 9,9 in160 $
Mediano 27,6 x 34,3 in403 $
Grande 46,9 x 58,7 in891 $
Personalizado7,9 x 9,9 in
160 $

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