
A veces hace frío en Iquitos

Información de la obra original

  • País: Perú
  • Categoría: Pintura
  • Técnica: Acrílico
  • Soporte: Cartulina
  • Temática: Retrato
  • Medidas: 3.94 x 5.91 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: covid, pandemy

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

Iquitos is located in the peruvian amazon, that is usually called "The lungs of the world" but in a time of covid-19 a city that is in the middle of it it was getting out of oxygen. The city has been hit by the pandemy and with this painting try to represent the feeling and taking one of the main caracteristic of the city that is the hot weather and turn in around representing cold in the dark times that was passing trhough. The painting also takes place in one of the poorest places of the city "Belén" that represent the lack of ressources. The mother try to protect her childrens from an enemy she cant see and cant compredent.

Información del artista

Ver más información de miguel zumaeta

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Pequeño 7,9 x 7,9 in158 $
Mediano 29,6 x 29,6 in399 $
Grande 51,2 x 51,2 in884 $
Personalizado7,9 x 7,9 in
158 $

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