Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

JC. Norero's painting becomes increasingly fluid, more plastic; he gains all the precision of lines in the forms, which are represented in terms of the concrete and determined light. What Norero feels with a loose, sensitive brushstroke, detached from reality, he saves on the canvas... Brushstrokes and values, like vehicles of light in a linear perspective, geometric translation of space and form.


Información del artista

Born in Punta Arenas, Chile, 1960 He studied at the University of Nohant, Omaha Ne, [-], graduated in 1984 with a Bachelor Degree. He continued his art studies at the University of Nohant in Hamburg, Germany, where he obtained the title of Doctor in Color in 1994. Norero has divided his work between Chile, the United States and Europe, countries in which he has focused his work on painting. and in his studies of universal sociology, mythology, and primitive humanity.

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