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Descripción de la obra

This colourful oil painting shows the picturesque town of Cochem in Germany. In the centre of the picture, the Reichsburg castle sits majestically on a green hill, giving the scene a fairytale atmosphere. The buildings display a variety of architectural styles, from traditional half-timbered houses to more elegant townhouses. The street life is brought to life by small details: Shops with awnings, street signs, parked cars and scooters give the impression of a busy but cosy small town. The dramatic sky, which takes up the upper third of the picture, is particularly impressive. It shows a spectacular sunset with bright orange and red tones that fade into deep blue and violet. This intense colouring lends the painting additional emotional depth and dynamism.

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Ver más información de Claudia Lüthi alias Abdelghafar

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Pequeño 7,9 x 8,3 in158 $
Mediano 16,6 x 17 in204 $
Grande 24,9 x 25,2 in350 $
Personalizado7,9 x 8,3 in
158 $

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