
Photoreal still life painting "The Borderline state..."

Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

In the painting, set against a black background, there are boxes of pills, including antidepressants, and a large knife in the foreground. The artwork conveys the importance of timely treatment.

This painting was created using my personal author's technique, incorporating elements of realism, photorealism, and hyperrealism. It is signed on the front and back, and is ready to be hung on the wall without a frame. The painting comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. I use high-quality professional Dutch acrylic paints and Italian cotton canvas for my artworks. It is created on a pre-stretched canvas on a wooden frame, and carefully packed in a cardboard box with layers of bubble wrap and styrofoam for protection during shipping.

Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions. Thank you for your attention to my art.

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