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This oil painting presents the Antennae Galaxy. Warm yellow and orange tones glow in the centre of the picture, forming a radiant core. A complex colour palette of white, soft pink, strong red, brown and grey unfolds around it. The colours flow into one another and create a dynamic, almost organic form. The brushwork is expressive and multi-layered. Thick applications of colour create a relief-like surface that lends the work a special depth and three-dimensionality. Isolated light-coloured speckles at the edges are reminiscent of distant stars and reinforce the cosmic impression. Overall, the painting conveys an atmosphere of movement, energy and transformation. It invites the viewer to immerse themselves in its swirling forms and develop their own associations - be it a galaxy in the making, an opening blossom or an abstract emotional portrait.
Ver más información de Claudia Lüthi alias Abdelghafar
Obras a la venta de Claudia Lüthi alias Abdelghafar
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