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Lately, Madrid has been in the world press for different reasons. Its treatment of the pandemic, its freedom, its elections...
That's why I have imagined a parrot in the jungle spreading its right wing and informing the traveler: "That's the way to Madrid".
Framed in wood (52x72cm, 20,5x28,3) white or black, matte.
Pintor Figurativo abstracto , Surrealista y Expresionista. Acuarela, Collage digital y Acrílico, Mis cuadros cuenten una pequeña historia con un toque de humor. Temas favoritos; Cambio Climático, Comida/Bebida, Ciudades, Retrato
Abstract, Surrealist and Expressionist Figurative Painter. Watercolor, Digital Collage and Acrylic, My paintings tell a little story with a touch of humor. Favorite subjects; Climate Change, Food / Drink, Cities, Portrait
Ver más información de Pepe Villan