Información de la obra original

  • País: Suiza
  • Categoría: Pintura
  • Técnica: Óleo
  • Soporte: Lienzo
  • Temática: Animales
  • Medidas: 28.74 x 19.69 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: horses, animal, nature, horse, relaxing, herd

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

This atmospheric oil painting captures the essence of the freedom and naturalness of a herd of horses on a wide summer pasture. The horses stand close together on a lush, yellow-green meadow that dominates the foreground of the painting. The bright green of the grass forms a vivid contrast to the intense blue of the sky and emphasises the warmth and lushness of the summer landscape. The attention to detail with which the individual horses have been portrayed is particularly impressive. The central figure, a powerful brown horse, appears to be looking directly at the viewer, creating an immediate connection with the audience. The horizontal arrangement of the horses and the clear division between sky and meadow create a harmonious balance that emphasises the natural beauty of the scene. This painting is a tribute to the majestic beauty of horses and their connection with nature.

Información del artista

Ver más información de Claudia Lüthi alias Abdelghafar

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Pequeño 11,9 x 7,9 in158 $
Mediano 41,8 x 28,8 in399 $
Grande 71,3 x 48,9 in915 $
Personalizado11,9 x 7,9 in
158 $

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