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Información de la obra original

  • País: Corea del Norte
  • Categoría: Fotografía
  • Temática: Otras temáticas
  • Técnica y soportes: Técnicas alternativas
  • Medidas: 3,061.81 x 3,061.81 in
  • En Artelista desde:

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

" Yes! Let's say that the whole story comes from my intuition that humanity is a little too cunning and makes fun of the Divinity. Not happy with this, I decided to have God create a Second Rebel Angel (me) even more evil and powerful than Satan.
Am I not wrong?
God warns "mankind" that he himself created Satan in the past and that God can also create other evil entities." (from Astella's speech).[-]?v=MljmFsAHNJU

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Ver más información de Astella or Steylla Demonah 0

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