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Descripción de la obra

This colourful drawing shows a picturesque coastal landscape. In the foreground you can see yellowish-green grass that slopes gently down to steep cliffs. The cliffs are depicted in various earthy colours - from brown to red to white - and show the complex geology of the coast. The deep blue sea dominates the centre of the picture. It stretches to the horizon, where it merges into a light blue sky. Along the coastline, white rock formations and small islands can be seen jutting out of the water. The drawing is done in a soft, almost dreamy style, achieved through the use of coloured pencils. The colours are bright but soft and convey a peaceful, summery atmosphere. Overall, the picture conveys a sense of tranquillity and natural beauty and invites the viewer to lose themselves in this idyllic coastal landscape.

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Pequeño 7,9 x 11,9 in159 $
Mediano 29,6 x 43,4 in400 $
Grande 51,2 x 74,5 in915 $
Personalizado7,9 x 11,9 in
159 $

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