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Descripción de la obra

This delicate coloured pencil drawing shows a lovingly detailed portrait of a robin. The bird is the centre of the picture and stands upright on an implied background of grass and earth. The robin is precisely depicted with fine strokes. Its characteristic orange-red breast plumage glows warmly and contrasts beautifully with the whitish belly and grey wings. The alert, dark gaze and pointed beak give the bird a lively appearance. The background is in soft shades of green, suggesting a natural, fresh environment. The soft transitions and slight blurring make the bird stand out even more vividly. The drawing captivates with its fidelity to nature and at the same time with a certain delicacy and lightness, which is achieved through the coloured pencil technique. It conveys a peaceful, spring-like mood.

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Pequeño 7,9 x 11,5 in159 $
Mediano 24,9 x 35,1 in400 $
Grande 41 x 57,9 in884 $
Personalizado7,9 x 11,5 in
159 $

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