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Descripción de la obra

This drawing presents an expressive portrait of a horse, executed with coloured pencils in a soft, lifelike colour palette. The drawing captures the calm, dignified aura of the animal. The fine details such as the expressive eye, the sensitive nostrils and the attentively pricked ears are particularly impressive. The colouring is subtle and nuanced, with a mixture of grey, brown and soft pink tones that lend depth and vibrancy to the horse's coat. Light yellows and oranges create the impression of light reflecting off the coat, adding dimension and warmth to the portrait. The technique is evident in the soft transitions and fine lines that emphasise the horse's contours and musculature. The texture of the coat is particularly well captured and gives an almost tactile impression.

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Pequeño 7,9 x 11,9 in161 $
Mediano 29,6 x 43 in406 $
Grande 51,2 x 74,1 in930 $
Personalizado7,9 x 11,9 in
161 $

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