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Descripción de la obra

This delicate and graceful drawing shows two blue tits in a loving interaction. The birds are depicted with soft coloured pencil strokes in shades of blue, yellow and grey, which correspond to their characteristic plumage. The birds sit on a sketchy, yellowish-green sphere. The background is a soft mint green, which lends the scene a peaceful, spring-like atmosphere. A bird is positioned slightly elevated and leans down towards its mate, as if whispering to it or feeding it. This gesture conveys a sense of intimacy and care between the two animals. The drawing is done in a loose, sketchy style that captures the liveliness and delicacy of the birds. The pastel-like colours and soft lines create a dreamy, almost watercolour-like quality. This depiction of two blue tits in a moment of togetherness is both naturalistic and poetic.

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Pequeño 11,5 x 7,9 in159 $
Mediano 41,8 x 29,6 in401 $
Grande 72,1 x 51,2 in919 $
Personalizado11,5 x 7,9 in
159 $

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