Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

In this work, titled "Umbrella Art," I explore the tension between the concrete and the surreal, crafting a scene imbued with symbolism and mystery. A wooden plank pathway leads to the imposing letters "ART," which appear as if carved from weathered stone—a symbol of the permanence and resilience of art over time. These letters rise at the end of the trail, suggesting that the journey toward artistic creation is arduous, filled with challenges, and marked by a path that invites deep reflection.
"Umbrella Art" poses questions about the nature of art: Is art a shelter, a form of protection, or a leap into the unknown? Walking toward the letters, we embark on an uncertain journey where the predictable and the unexpected coexist, and where the act of creation is both a grounded process and an ethereal experience.

Información del artista

Your work combines digital art and photography, exploring themes such as time, human connection, and nature. In your digital pieces, you use symbols, while your photographs capture natural and urban landscapes, highlighting the beauty of the everyday. Each image seeks to connect visually and emotionally, inviting reflection and the discovery of the extraordinary in the common.

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Pequeño 10,7 x 7,9 in156 $
Mediano 39,4 x 29,6 in392 $
Grande 67,4 x 51,2 in898 $
Personalizado10,7 x 7,9 in
156 $

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