Información de la obra original

  • País: España
  • Categoría: Net Art/Arte digital
  • Medidas: 6.30 x 10.39 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: sol, retrato, playa, verano, relajacion

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Descripción de la obra

chica disfrutando de los días de verano en aguas cristalinas

Información del artista

Art has been a part of me since my childhood, singing, painting, writing, everything that is related to art. Many were not able to appreciate something like this, until today I am grateful that art is more valued. Although they say that this cannot be lived, in my heart there is something totally different, and I hope to reach more people who can appreciate the hard effort and creativity, my life is pure inspiration, despite being someone common, I have the peculiarity of not listening to negative things and only believing that the impossible can be made possible. 

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Personalizado7,9 x 10,7 in
158 $

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