Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

In this piece, I wanted to capture the constant struggle between nature and human intervention. The tree, with its bare and twisted branches, represents the persistence of life as it faces the barriers we impose. The concrete block symbolizes how our constructions limit, confine, and challenge natural expansion, but it also highlights nature's innate strength to adapt and resist.

The dry leaves scattered across the ground serve as a reminder of the damage caused, as nature claims a space that no longer belongs to it. The warm, sepia tones of the scene enhance this nostalgic feeling, inviting reflection on the impact of our actions. The rigid and geometric wall in the background contrasts with the organic forms of the tree, emphasizing the dichotomy between the natural and the artificial.

This piece seeks to be a call to acknowledge this tension and to value the balance between our creations and the environment that sustains us.

Información del artista

Your work combines digital art and photography, exploring themes such as time, human connection, and nature. In your digital pieces, you use symbols, while your photographs capture natural and urban landscapes, highlighting the beauty of the everyday. Each image seeks to connect visually and emotionally, inviting reflection and the discovery of the extraordinary in the common.

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Pequeño 9,1 x 7,9 in159 $
Mediano 34,3 x 29,6 in400 $
Grande 58,7 x 51,2 in915 $
Personalizado9,1 x 7,9 in
159 $

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