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Este arte digital inspira a quien lo observa a que pese los momentos que puedan surgir, hay momentos en los que puedes intentar mirar mas allá de lo que nuestros ojos pueden ver. La inspiración para solucionar cualquier problema solo ocurre cuando te dejas guiar por tu corazón y tus verdadera felicidad... A mi me gusta mirar la naturaleza, para sentirme viva.
Art has been a part of me since my childhood, singing, painting, writing, everything that is related to art. Many were not able to appreciate something like this, until today I am grateful that art is more valued. Although they say that this cannot be lived, in my heart there is something totally different, and I hope to reach more people who can appreciate the hard effort and creativity, my life is pure inspiration, despite being someone common, I have the peculiarity of not listening to negative things and only believing that the impossible can be made possible.
Ver más información de Art Sigrid Rivera Rubio