Información de la obra original

  • País: Suiza
  • Categoría: Pintura
  • Técnica: Óleo
  • Soporte: Lienzo
  • Temática: Animales
  • Medidas: 19.69 x 19.69 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: animal, grey, bird, canvas, oilpainting, heron

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

This oil painting shows an impressive scene with two grey herons at their nest. The composition is dynamic and lively. The herons are depicted in detail, with their characteristic long necks, pointed beaks and grey plumage. Their yellow legs stand out in colour. Small chicks with ruffled feathers can be seen in the nest. The background is a rich green colour. The sky is depicted in a light, almost whitish blue, which forms a beautiful contrast to the darker colours in the foreground. The brushwork on the birds is precise, while the background is rather soft and atmospheric. This draws the viewer's focus to the main figures in the painting. Overall, the painting conveys a vivid impression of nature and the family life of the grey herons, while at the same time capturing the beauty and grace of these birds.

Información del artista

Ver más información de Claudia Lüthi alias Abdelghafar

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Pequeño 7,9 x 8,3 in158 $
Mediano 29,6 x 29,6 in399 $
Grande 50,4 x 50,4 in884 $
Personalizado7,9 x 8,3 in
158 $

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