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  • País: Portugal
  • Categoría: Collage
  • Soporte: Otros
  • Temática: Otros
  • Medidas: 330.71 x 72.05 in
  • En Artelista desde:

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Descripción de la obra

Mural Europa

Built in the threefold system, this mural is united in its whole ( 1.83 X 8.40 ) by two columns shaped in pine timber, posterior painted with oil paint and finished with the gluing of European coins with different metals and values. Forming into relief some points of this mural. A unique masterpiece in the world. An extraordinary piece eith a magnificence beauty.
In the construction of this mural were necessary, and used with the gluing system, 67.567 coins. Money from several countries in Europa.
It´s an alliance of different metals. It´s money! Are coins with different coinage! Coins which in this mural show and brighten splendidly the history of their countries. This mural is on Guinness Book of Records
To create the background, to encircle and not only, all the shapes created by the author was used the Spanish peseta. It was the chosen coin. Stamped in aluminium, with the facial value of a peseta, shows the effigy of his Majesty the King D. Juan Carlos of Spain.
The construction of this mural has the purpose of pointing out and remind how few people, with determination and courage, can do in the construction and union of a better world for all. The choice of using coins to build this mural has the purpose of manifesting the fortune that followed the request of this few… To the rest of the world.
In the middle of the mural, as salient from the relief of the golden sun, it is the relief of Portugal. Steady… Salient in the west coast of Europe, constructive horizon to the world. At east and west of this golden circle, the light to the planet, two caravels sail with the light… Towards the rest of the world.
Blessing to this sail. In the right superior part between the small circles of silver coins an aureal Cross with curvilinear shapes. “ The human race limps in its obscurant space” The skay, in its whole, continues illuminating us in its shapes. It´s a wanting to indicate the spherical shape of the planet.
Because of all this centre of the mural, the author shows clearly the truth: “ Com a Cruz de Cristo Portugal em suas caravelas à Europa do universal deu saber “ ( with Christ Cross Portugal in its caravels to the Europe the universal gave knowledge)
Aport of one the caravels as well as astaboard of another, two trunks with several branching that link, above the columns of the mural, at east and west, in a hug of union and construction. Unfortunately in materials and sordid divergences. In the inflexible insensibility of some world administrations, that in the approximation and construction of humanity of dygone days ignored by nowadays leaders.
In the left side of the mural one can see a goldem column built with coins from different countries in Europe. In its right side, made with copper coins, a trunk eith many branching. Routes opened to the world. Continuing to the right, wrapped up by a crucifix, built with English and French coins, which end in a Latin Cross made with portuguese coins, the Portuguese Ston Monument. Following with our eyes to the right, as blessed, treated with kindness and protected by the large arms of the Cross, floats a caravel. Appears the Camões´s Lusiadas and the Holy Bible. The Cross is supportsd by these instruments of education and prayer. By a branching of sixteen arms, jutting out from the centre of the universe, it´s the sixteen magnetic points! It´s the mariner´s compass card! It´s the way to the world!
In the foreground of the mural, as everything that it´s big, a simple phrse: “ PORTUGUESAS FORAM… AS NAUS DA FÉ, which means PORTUGUESAS WERE… THE VESSELS OF FAITH”
In the right side of the mural, next to the column, a caravel with Christ Cross inits sails. Sailing from Europe to the unknown world, Asterm, as if it was being taken in tow a latin cross… Faith in God. The prayer of Portugal to the world.
Above and undermeath the cross, two arms with the following words “ APROXIMAMOS- CONSTRUIMOS ( which means we approached, we built” These arms seem to be holding the Earth in the universe. Engraved in the planet the words PORTUGAL – SPAIN – TORDESILHAS. Agreement to the rest of the world, between these two great Nations in the European continent.
The Latin Cross, symbol of the Holy Church. Continuing to the rigth above a book, with the word DESCOBRIMENTOS engraved in it, it is the Portuguese Stone monument with the words “ PAZ-LEI-A PORTUGAL A SUA GLóRIA” “ Peace- law- to Portugal its glory”.
In the top of the mural, one can read NA LÍNGUA DE CAMÕES REZA A DEUS NOVO MUNDO “ In the Camões language pray to God a new world”
In the foregrond: AO MUNDO RESTO… NÃO FOI O MAR VASTO “ To the ret of the world… It wasn´t wide the sea”.
Measures: 1.83 X 8.40 metros Used to built 67.567 coins
This mural was recognizede with a record in the Guinness Book of records, as being the world´s biggest mural
Eduardo Dinis Henriques

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