Personas sin hogar que vive solamente el presente, cuidando carros en las calles y pidiendo limosna, gente humilde que bajo una apariencia tozca guardan un gran corazon.
People from the street making his living by charity, they live day by day, only in the present, and under those nasty clothes there is a big hart.
In this creative period I expressed the contrary feelings generated by my country to myself, being a place of deep contrasts in every sense of the word, people with high intelligence and intuition, with a great heart, with a love almost infinite, others heartless fully capable of committing the most unimaginable atrocities, not only bad men, owners of money and power, women and teenagers committing breaches of unimaginable dimension to humanity, so I wanted to express through my pictorial art
Ver más información de Jose Gabriel Acuna Acuña