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It was a very wet and cool Saturday. Jazzmin, JO-Boo and I were pretty much alone in the house. Painting outside was out of the question. I took the opportunity to do something I had wanted to do for a long time. #0593", Shore Sunrise was one of my favourite sketches and I wanted to make it bigger and maybe, just maybe, improve on it. With the fire on in the wood stove and the country tunes on the stereo, it was a helluva day. I added some tamaracks into the forest skyline using the forest out the window for colours. I also expanded the forest on the left thus removing the water colours. This eliminated the straight on, horizontal feel to the sketch and I hope draws the eye into the sunrise from the left to the right. Maybe I should have gone to a bigger canvas...
The title is meant to be puny. The painting is the son of "Shore Sunrise" but the colours of the rising sun prompted the sketch in the first place. The sun is the father.. whatever..
Oils on stretched canvas - tinted with a medium burnt sienna - 18 x 24
Ver más información de Phil Chadwick
No encuentras lo que buscas. En artelista te inspiramos