LocalizaciónEstados Unidos

Dreaming with Toshiro Mifune

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Información de la obra original

  • País: Estados Unidos
  • Categoría: Pintura
  • Técnica: Óleo
  • Soporte: Lienzo
  • Temática: Paisaje
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: mujer, woman, placer, pleasure, toshiro, nifune

Licencia Creative Commons - by

Descripción de la obra

Acrylic on Canvas, set of two canvas put together

Información del artista

Katia Jiras was born in Lima, Peru with Czech, Italian and Peruvian grandparents. She attended a British high-school and later graduated with different degrees in American universities where she had contact with a variety of cultures. Here is when she learned that she was a CITIZEN of the WORLD. Part of her life is using her art to communicate a genuine LOVE and RESPECT for every member of humanity, independent from their race, religion, beliefs and lifestyles.Her only fear is the closed...

Ver más información de Katia Jirasova

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