Al amanecer, los primeros brillos del sol entran a traves de los arboles y llegar a los rios donde va a calentar de poco y ese efecto, como acto divino se refleja asi.
I was born in the heart of the jungle in Flor de Punga village. In April 8th, 1975. After I finished elementary and high school, I started my art studies in Usko Ayar Amazonian School of Painting in 1992, founded and directed by the visionary artist Pablo Amaringo in Pucallpa - Peru. I participated in differents art exhibitions in Peru as in Pucallpa, Iquitos
Lima,Cuzco,Trujillo, Requena and also in the abroad as Finland,commissioned to paint a mural for the Korkeasaari Zoo in 1996...
Ver más información de Moises Llerena Taricuarima