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"Tolerance" -2017
Oil and Acrylic painting on canvas, 150 cm long by 100 cm wide. Original work by the author. It approaches the associated landscape in metaphors to the present and customs of Cuba in specific.
Preferences, adaptations, respect for individualistic. The images correspond to any field, Vegas or groves in the archipelago, where the technique of the landscape changes in styles according to the area where it is located. There is continuity in the artistic discourse, it never ceases to be a painting that approaches the landscape, only the techniques of realization of the landscape change. Tolerance is more than a landscape is metaphors formulated by the author. It is a serious and respectful painting when tackling subjects such as the ones exposed. Structures with techniques of fusion, figuration, abstract all in the same space.
Techniques of work in layers, visual textures through the use of diverse tools-Spatulas. Unveils and use of transparencies. More than 38 years of experience of the author in the artistic creation, impose a seal peculiar to the work. Teaching, cleaning, conceptual-figurative speech. Rhythms, very colorful colors, technical vision of the landscape and customs are important attributes in this work. Colección privada Dr Dick Nolan en New York EUA
Ver más información de Jose Raul Rodriguez Cuevas