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Based on Shakespeare\'s character from \"A Midsummer Night\'s Dream\". In the play, he is the one to mingle in the mortal\'s life and thus creates their drama by messing up who loves whom, as well as by placing the ass on Bottom\'s head in his story, and making him unsure of who really is. He also has the power to interact and affect human as well as fairy life, being some kind of liaison between the real world and the magical one.

Although he seems to play with people as if they were not more than toys, I see him as the personification of our everyday illusions. We see things as money and status as real dramas in our lives, when perhaps the truly important resides in our souls and hearts, or in the fairy world. He knows this and hopes for humans to awaken someday, as he says my favorite quote: \"What fools these mortals be\"

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