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Descripción de la obra

De la serie IN BETWEEN, la intervención en las valijas nació primero por una necesidad de diferenciación para evitar el robo y la pérdida en los aeropuertos, ya que el contenido era irremplazable, y es ahora, como las cajas, el hogar donde guardo los recuerdos de los que no puedo desprenderme: fotos de mis hijos, objetos de su infancia, cartas y más cartas, mi colección de muñecas Latinas y Africanas...

From the series IN BETWEEN, the art intervention in my luggage pieces at first was my way to easily differentiate them from the rest in airports, in case they were lost or someone try to steal them. I did it because I carried personal values in them, and I still keep them in there: pictures of my sons, staff from their childhood, letters and more letters, my collection of Latin-American and African dolls…

Información del artista

Art is a magical tool that I use in a quest for identity. Although the mass media imposes cultural ideals, humans are diverse and creative. Through my sculptures, paintings and drawings, I show the beauty that exists in human differences, developing a theme of work that I call Pure Diversity. Diversity is the treasure of humanity, this is the message that I communicate with my body of work.


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