Información de la obra original

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Descripción de la obra

"The power of dance" -2017
Oil painting on canvas, 150 cm long by 100 cm wide. Original work by the author. Address the world of dance. Body movements, dancing couples, dance solos, the goddess of rhythm and body movement, Rituals, stories, sacrifices, idols and other metaphors that relate to the attributes of dance are appreciated.
Techniques of work in layers, visual textures through the use of Spatulas. Unveils and use of transparencies. Cleaning, conceptual-figurative speech. Rhythms, very colorful colors preferably warm.

Información del artista

- Graduated in Fine Art & Illustrator. Visual arts-1976.

University graduate in Moscow in 1982.

Oil Paintings on canvas, Screen, Sculpture, Engraving, Portrait painter, muralist, Art Therapy with the use of the arts.

National Plastics Expo and International from 1978 to the present.

National Register Creator has in Cuba-RNC-6162


- Graduado en Artes plasticas-1976.

Universitario, graduado en Moscu en 1982.


Ver más información de Jose Raul Rodriguez Cuevas

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Pequeño 12,3 x 7,9 in157 $
Mediano 38,6 x 25,2 in396 $
Grande 64,6 x 42,2 in876 $
Personalizado12,3 x 7,9 in
157 $

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