
Drowned in my Tears

Drowned in my Tears

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Descripción de la obra

I was inspired by how I really feel... Alive (unfortunately) in a country where corruption is incredibly high, nobody wants the president, but the government continues to insist, people do not eat (myself included), many people die daily, either for lack of medicine or because they are killed, simply say that $ 1 equals 10 of our highest ticket (100 BSF, I am Venezuelan) they can imagine how difficult it is every day. But I think not only me, but around the world these things happen, wars, people die innocently, people struggling to live and denied the right. This drawing is for all those people who went through difficult times, whatever the magnitude, we all go through any situation in life that strangles us.

Información del artista

¡Hola! Soy artista hobbista de Venezuela y soy músico.

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