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  • País: España
  • Categoría: Net Art/Arte digital
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: rostro

Licencia Creative Commons - by-sa

Descripción de la obra

En tiempos de combate dinamórfico.
My great veneration and pride in my father manifested itself in curious ways. On several Sundays, doubtless occurring in two or three different years, the Union Sunday School of the village was visited by strangers, some of those "strange people" who live outside a child's realm, yet constantly thrill it by their close approach. My father taught the large Bible class in the lefthand corner of the church next to the pulpit, and to my eyes at least, was a most imposing figure in [Page 7] his Sunday frock coat, his fine head rising high above all the others. I imagined that the strangers were filled with admiration for this dignified person, and I prayed with all my heart that the ugly, pigeon-toed little girl, whose crooked back obliged her to walk with her head held very much upon one side, would never be pointed out to these visitors as the daughter of this fine man. In order to lessen the possibility of a connection being made, on these particular Sundays I did not walk beside my father, although this walk was the great event of the week, but attached myself firmly to the side of my Uncle James Addams, in the hope that I should be mistaken for his child, or at least that I should not remain so conspicuously unattached that troublesome questions might identify an Ugly Duckling with her imposing parent. My uncle, who had many children of his own, must [Page 8] have been mildly surprised at this unwonted attention, but he would look down kindly at me, and say, "So you are going to walk with me to-day?" "Yes, please, Uncle James," would be my meek reply. He fortunately never explored my motives, nor do I remember that my father ever did, so that in all probability my machinations have been safe from public knowledge until this hour

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Colegio Profesional de Diseñadores Gráficos de Cataluña Master en Dirección y Consultoría Turística, Universidad de León con el tema: "Cluster de Turismo Rural: las ventajas del asociacionismo en las NTICs para los alojamientos de turismo rural del Principado de Asturias". Consultor Turístico, Universidad de León cuya tesis de investigación fue la "Materialización de un Hotel Urbano en la iniciativa e-Europe". "Curso de formación empresarial básica para emprendedores" con el proyecto de...

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