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Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt (Theater at the Market of Gendarmes)

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Schauspielhaus am Gendarmenmarkt (Theater at the Market of Gendarmes), Egg-Tempera/Oil on Canvas, Canvas, 23,6x31,5 inch, 1995. Constructed 1918 - 1821 by the Prussian architect Karl-Friedrich Schinkel. The market of gendarmes was renamed 1950 (250 years jubilee) in \"Platz der Akademie\" (place of the academy). Nowadays it is a theater where 1850 people find place. In a side part there is located a chamber-music room with 450 places.
In front: the Schiller monument created 1871 by Reinhold Begas. This wonderful place is used also for open-air concerts.
The Gendarme Market is one of the most beautiful places of Europe - a must for each tourist. Here the German Cathedral, the French Cathedral and the Concert Hall educate an ensemble of architectural harmony and beauty. The place put on starting from 1688 after plans by J.A. Nering, originally it was called lime tree market, late Friedrichstaedtischer or new market. Since the place was used 1736-82 by a Kuerassierregiment of \"gens d\'arms\" (people in arms) with guards and stables, the name gendarme market developed. After 1777 the place was uniformly cultivated after the plans by George Christian Unger. The place damaged strongly in the Second World War was renamed on the occasion of the 250-year-celebration of the Academy of Sciences in \"place of the academy\", 1991 received it its original name back.

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