
Aerial view of a strange zone

Información de la obra original

  • País: España
  • Categoría: Fotografía
  • Temática: Otras temáticas
  • Técnica y soportes: Color (Digital)
  • Medidas: 23.62 x 31.50 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: textura

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

Papel fotográfico -

Información del artista

Jorge Roiger, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1934. Studies photography with Pedro Otero and Vision with Héctor Cartier. By the end of the 50´s he experiences with photography to create non- figurative images. Roiger, exhibits his photographic works in a show sponsored by MEEBA, Mutual Society of graduate students of Beau Arts, during the exhibition, an Art critic, Francisco García Martínez, was giving a workshop on the ?Informalists? in Argentina, it was them, that Alberto Greco one of the founders of the group, saw Roiger´s exhibition, and as a result of this, Jorge Roiger was invited to be a member of the ?Informalists?. Soon he gets involved with the Informal Argentinean Group, which at the same time, was exploring, abstraction from the premise of the accumulation of the matter. By the end of 1959, Roiger, participates with the ?Informalists? in an exhibition at the Sivori Museum, sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art. Roiger, exhibits photographic Works, in that show, but his relationship with the painters, triggers him to start working with pigments and textures.
In 1960, he learns new technics with Antonio Seguí, whom he collaborates, in the exhibition, ?La metamórfosis de Felicitas Naón?, ( Lirolay Gallery, 1962 ). Roiger, participates with Luis Wells, Kenneth Kemble, Silvia Torrás, amongst others, in the Destructive Art exhibition (1961), this Art exhibition is reigned by the spirit of anti-rationalism. The automatism resource and the distortion of the images, produced by paste ups and aggressions to the work, is shared from the photography by Roiger. In 1978, his works are included in the Informal Art retrospective, shown at the Sivori Museum.
From 1978, as a result of the celebration of the 20 Th. anniversary of the Informal Art Group in Argentina, Jorge Roiger, carries out, many exhibits in different galleries in Buenos Aires City and the provinces of the country.
In 1982, he decides to make his last exhibition as a painter, and in 2007 he goes back to his career as an artist, with an exhibition in Recoleta Cultural Center. In the opportunity , he shows a new series of Works; analogic photography digitalized. In 2009, in the Art Gallery " Encontré", and after in 2010, in "Arte y parte", he presents new works.
Since 2011 to the present, he establishes his atelier in ?Central Park? Building, at Barracas neighborhood. Each year opens its doors to the public. In this new chapter of his career, Roiger, presents a series of photographs of stains, splashes, strokes, and objects that the artist captures with his camera, during his long walks around city places. The accomplished images are intervened with acrylic paint to complete the composition. Roiger, also adds to his production pieces of work on canvas painted with acrylic paint.
Solo Shows
2016- Mayo- May Talleres Abiertos 2 da Edición. Open Ateliers, Central Park Building, the great masters of the Contemporary Art will keep their ateliers open. Individual exposition.
2016- August, 19 th - National Museum of Fine Arts, Special Exhibition of vintage Works- 1962- at the Auditorium of the Association of Friends of the National Museum of Fine Arts, for the presentation of the Book, ?Maestros, el bosque y el árbol? by Gaby Messina.
2016- All year around, Exhibition of works ?Artist Atelier´s at Central Park Building, Barracas, Buenos Aires City.
2013- May - Ro Arte, Art Gallery, ? Jorge Roiger Fotografía? ? 1959-2013. Individual Exhibition.
2015- 16 August to 13 September-? Diluyendo límites ? Museo Lucy Mattos , Beccar, Buenos Aires Province.
2010. September- "Arte y parte Gallery ", ? Cuadros de una exposición ?- Photo paint. New collection.
2010- Museo de Arte Moderno Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Exhibition for the re openning of the museum. Collective. Two works donated for the museum collection
2009- October 22 nd to November 22nd. Encontré Arte- Gallery ?Mística y poesía de la chatarra ferroviaria?. Individual Exhibition.
2007 ? Recoleta Cultural Center. July-August- exhibition in Recoleta Cultural Center.
1973- Museum of Fine Arts of Tandil, Solo exhibit. Museum collection, Buenos Aires. Donation of works.
Group Shows
2016, October 13th to 16 th -BA Photo- Individual Exhibit at entrance booth, represented by Infinito Gallery. La Rural, Buenos Aires. In 2016, he is specially invited by the gallery ?Infinito?, to the Buenos Aires Photo Exhibit, where he presents eight photographic works circa 1962, together with four portraits of Alberto Greco, 1960 of his authorship.
2016- October 29 th- from 20.00 PM to 03.00 AM ?Noche de los museos?. Museum Nights. Location Central Park Building. Individual exposition
2016- Design Suites, July- Two Artists- Jorge Roiger and Pepa Figueroa Cuellar.
2008 ? July ?August - Filo Art Gallery, Buenos Aires City, Collective Exhibition
1999- Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires City-. Collective exhibition with the best known artists and photographers. Launching of the book of the exhibit- Donation of a work of Jorge Roiger, for the permanent collection of the institution.
1978, Sivori Museum,Celebration of the 20 Th. Anniversary of the Informalist Art Group.
Collective Exhibition of the original members of the Infromalist Group. Donation of Work by Jorge Roiger for the collection of the institution ?Emergencia?-
1962- Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires , Collective Exhibition, organized by Ver y Estimar Association.
1962_ Lirolay Gallery, Buenos Aires City, ? 4 fotográfos hoy?.four professionals
1961- Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires , Collective Exhibition, organized by Ver y Estimar Association.
1961- Lirolay Gallery, Buenos Aires City. ?Arte Destructivo?, collective exhibition-
1960- Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Modern Art Buenos Aires, Van Riel Gallery, exhibitions organized by the Arte Nuevo Association, Buenos Aires City, exhibitions programmed every three months in Buenos Aires City. Collective
1960- Museum of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires , Collective Exhibition, organized by Ver y Estimar Association.
1959- Museo Sívori. ?The informalist Group Exhibition?- Second Exhibition- Abstract Photograpy-
His Works are exhibit at Pedro Blaquier Collection, Argentina; Museum of Modern Art, Buenos Aires, Argentina-
1972- National Fund for the Arts- grant- for the artist.

Bibliography : "Maestros, El bosque y el árbol ", author Gaby Messina. 2016. National Museum of Beau Arts, Argentina. ISBN: 978-987-23991-7-7
?Giesso?, chapter homage to the architect by Jorge Roiger, page 37. Talleres Trama: Buenos Aires, Argentina .ISBN: ISBN: 978-987-05-9262-4
"Listen, here, now", Argentine Art of the 1960s: Writings of the Avant- Garde Arte The Museum of Modern Art,[-]., U.S. , ISBN: 0-87070-366-8-
?Au-delà du Tachisme?, 1963, by Georges Mathieu
? De la revolt a la renaissance? 1973- by Georges Mathieu. Idées Gallimard
"Kemble", images by Jorge Roiger- Year 2000- Correo Argentino.
?The Great Breakthough?, 1956-1963: Kenneth Kemble- by Julieta Kemble, 2000 - 216 páginas
"Argentinean Photographic Art" Modern Art Museum. Buenos Aires- Argentina- 1999
?Del pop Art a la nueva imagen ?- author Jorge Glusberg, 1985- ediciones de Arte Gaglianone- Colection Union Carbide- ISBN: 950-9004-62-6
?Aventura Plástica Latinoamericana. artes de la acción? [1940-1972]:updated up to 1987. Volume 233 de Breviarios del Fondo de Cultura Económica. Ed No 2. Fondo De Cultura Económica USA, 1995. 442 pag. ISBN-10:[---------]8, ISBN-13: [---------]8213 Author Damián Bayón-
?Arte Argentino Actual? by Salvador Presta-Editorial Lacio, 1960 - 117 páginas
Pag 113. Roiger.
?Nueva historia de la pintura y la escultura en la Argentina: de los orígenes a nuestros días?
By Romualdo Brughetti- Ediciones de Arte Gaglianone, 2000 - 345 páginas.
?Berni y sus contemporáneos?: Del Prete ... [et al.] : correlatos : homenaje a 100 años de su nacimiento. BPR Publishers, 1 ene. 2005 - 204 páginas
?Panorama de la pintura Argentina contemporánea?- by Aldo Pellegrini- Paidos, 1967 - 214 páginas
?Historia Crítica del Arte Argentino?. By López Anaya. Telecom Argentina 1995-
?Informalismo la vanguardia informalista Argentina? Buenos Aires, By Lòpez Anaya
Editorial, Alberto Sendrós. Isbn: [---------]5608

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