Dibujo de aves en el Zoologico en una turistica poblacion de Capacho
Información del artista
TABLE CHAVARRIAGA ABELARDO Curricular Natural Synthesis of San Cristobal. Táchira State. Born October 19, 1960 Address: . Calle 8 No. 14-43 . Barrio San Carlos . Táchira State. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela . Cell ( 0276 ) [ DGDTAJ . ] : ( 0276 ) [ TTDD.WW ] . Cel : 0416 - [ DPWGAPT ] E - mail: abelsa9ajahoocum STUDIES Primary School \" JA Román Valecillos : School ? \" Father Maya \" National School \" Monsignor Tomas San Miguel \" School Bachelor of Arts from St. Thomas Aquinas