
housefly II-glasses from the air

Información de la obra original

  • País: Irlanda
  • Categoría: Fotografía
  • Temática: Naturaleza
  • Técnica y soportes: Color (Química)
  • Medidas: 47.24 x 70.87 in
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: water, air, animals, wings, insects, housefly

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

Orginal fotografia - housefly it stays on the water surface it stays on the water surface which he collects all over his body ,,,not through the wings,;),,fish see the fly because her body is shining it emits very bright, yellow light (body torso, back ),,:) ,,,the eyes of the fly protect the air bubbles - something like glasses from the air

Información del artista

professional artist, independent fotograf,,. born in Poland, currently residing in Ireland,,he has been involved in fotografs since he was born ,:),,,,several publications for books ,,events- London Fashion Week ,, Paris Fashion Week ,70 Cannes Festival,,,competitions and exhibitions- finalist International Art In Friesland (Netherlands and Italy),,,finalist International Prize Leonardo Da Vinci ( Florence,Italy),,,nomination Grand Concours International du Web( Cannes Festival ,France),,itd,,,:),,,all current paintings can be viewed at a permanent exhibition in Ireland Art Gallery LWTC

Ver más información de waldemar Trebacki

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Pequeño 7,9 x 9,1 in122 $
Mediano 25,6 x 28,4 in878 $
Grande 43 x 47,7 in967 $
Personalizado7,9 x 9,1 in
122 $

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