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Información de la obra original

  • País: Canadá
  • Categoría: Artesanía
  • Sector: Escultura
  • Materiales: Textil
  • En Artelista desde:
  • Etiquetas: dolls, toys, plush

© Todos los derechos reservados

Descripción de la obra

This is what happens when you read too many Redwall books - you start making up your own redwall characters. This little guy was created after reading 'The Taggerung'. He's a random Juska Tribal Rat. Unfortunetely he doesn't have a name - so I just call him Boy. He was created with an original plush pattern and he comes complete with plastic doll eyes, 3 silver earings (jewelry links), silver fabric bracelets and a felt loincloth, a 'scar' over his right eye and Juska Tribal markings on his body. He is made of felt, fleece and suede fabrics. He also has magnets in his hands so he can hold things such as my pins while I sewed other parts of him ^_^. He is about 8" sitting and 10" standing although he can't stand on his own.

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