
18. Retrato sin Sentido. (Mindless portrait)

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Artwork description

10,5 x 9 x 9 cm

La Serie Alabastro 2017 es un conjunto de pequeños retratos minimalistas esculpidos en alabastro que buscan romper el espacio a través de la materia, el movimiento, la luz y la sombra.
Por medio de curvas y planos definidos, delineados y continuos conforman la totalidad de la figura. Su pequeño tamaño permite la manipulación de la pieza con las manos, permitiéndonos sentir la superficie, el peso y la tridimensionalidad de ésta.
La pieza hecha en alabastro de Aragón tiene como acabado un proceso térmico para volverla opaca, permitiendo resaltar las siluetas, los planos y el vacío por medio del juego de luz y sombras.

Artist information

Manuel Llaca Osorio “Cepo” is a Hispanic-Mexican sculptor and draftsman who has individually and collectively exhibited his works in Mexico, Spain and France. He was an Industrial Designer, design teacher and draftsman for a long time while developing his artistic streak behind the scenes. He took various courses and workshops in drawing, sculpture and art. After experience as a designer and art he developed a particular style in his works. The pieces tend to be geometric minimalist with a small dose of expression combined with day-to-day sensibilities. He does not seek the explanation of the universe but of his own being ...

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