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Over a year ago I had the privilege to teach art in a Public Welfare school in Bodhgaya, India. The children in the school - most of them taken from the streets were amazing. One day as we left the school, children, hungry and poor chased our Tuc-tuc. All of them retreated but one, a young girl who ran with us shouting "Hello!" Her energy and smile took the heart of me, here was a child with nothing, no food, minimal shelter and a harsh future. She was begging yet she was full of joy and life. It took me away from my own self pity and inspired me with hope. As I painted this it brought it back to me the courage and hope of people when there is no hope to be had. We all have our own things going in life and it is harder for some than others, but if this girl can manage a smile like this then so can we:)
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