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I thought about all the pain that suffers who is object of bullying. I was a victim of mobbing (a kind of bullying that happens in jobs or careers) and I suffer PTSD because of that. I wanted to express all that pain.
This artwork participated in: Second International Conceptual Art Biennale “Idea that kills or…”, 03 al 17 de mayo de 2022. IAVPOA (International Association of Visual, Performing and Other Arts), Kaunas, Lituania. [-]?v=OVIdCNKxl9M
This artwork participated in Exposición “Mi cuerpo en mi mente”. Organizado por colectiva Curanderas junto con Arpa. Ciudad de México, México, 03 de mayo de 2022. Obra presentada: “Las heridas del bullying”. [-]?fbclid=IwAR0IvNCml1dQY51TItrZujFBdMasGwtHHVqDxf3u5svTo9uz2kTLLQhgTlA
This artwork participated in Jornada Cultural por la No Violencia, La calle es nuestra Arte Libre, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 01 de octubre de 2022.
See more information about Jesica Frustaci de Zalcman