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Artwork description

Suelta pertenece a la serie "Adentro" esta pieza estuvo expuesta en el Ex convento de Chiapa de Corzo, en Chiapas. México.

This piece was exhibited in the ex convent of chiapa de corzo, Chiapas

Artist information

At 16, She embarks on the journey of painting, She attendes the only workshop on plastic arts in the cultural center of her hometown, In Chiapas, México. the stage where she undertstands the painting as a freedom. Since then, her artistic style was born and will continue through the next years. In her quest to create the right atmospheres to exhibit her artwork, she studies for a degree in Interior Design in the city of Puebla de Zaragoza, México. This leads her to be even more interested in spacial language. In 2013 she takes a trip to Barcelona and completed an MA in Design and production exhibition spaces. 

See more information about Caro Cobian

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