
Jubileo 2000 - Papa Juan Pablo II - Panel izquierdo

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Argentina
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Oil
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Others
  • Measurements: 19.69 x 27.56 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: cubismo, papa, cubism, futurismo, pope, futurism

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Artwork description

Esta obra es el panel izquierdo de un tríptico realizado en conmemoración del Jubileo del año 2000, representando al Papa Juan Pablo II al momento de abrir la Puerta Santa. El Vaticano me invitó a realizar esta obra a través del periodista Oswald Massimi, quien realizó un video que se encuentra en la hemeroteca del Vaticano.
Actualmente la obra forma parte de mi colección.
Si quieres hacer feliz a este Artista... ¡Haz una reproducción de esta obra en la impresión de alta definición en canvas u otros papeles que ofrece ArtMajeur y embellece tu hogar! Te envío un afectuoso saludo, muy agradecido.

This work is the left panel of a triptych made in commemoration of the Jubilee of the year 2000, representing Pope John Paul II at the moment of opening the Holy Door. The Vatican invited me to carry out this work through the journalist Oswald Massimi, who made a video that is in the Vatican newspaper archive.
The work is currently part of my collection.
If you want to make this Artist happy... Make a reproduction of this work in high definition printing on canvas or other papers offered by ArtMajeur and beautify your home! I send you an affectionate greeting, very grateful.

Artist information

At the age of six, Omar Sorriente started in the visual arts, fruit of a family of artists, painters, sculptors and poets. He currently works in his atelier in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in Argentina, making shows in the country and abroad, with works of neo futurist & cubist style. The most representative have been in Miami (USA), Punta del Este (Uruguay) and Rome (Italy) where he won his highest award: the Gold Medal in the Medusa Aurea Trophy, awarded by the Accademia Internazionale d'Arte Moderna, in the year 1999, and consecrated Honoris Causa Academician.

See more information about Omar Sorriente

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Little 7.9 x 11.5 in166 $
Medium 28 x 39 in417 $
Big 47.3 x 66.6 in956 $
Personalized7.9 x 11.5 in
166 $

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