Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Nude Paintings
  • Measurements: 12.99 x 16.14 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: rojo, mujeres, energia, amigas, naranja, vivo

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Artwork description

La imagen se titula "Amigas". Un cuadro que rebosa energía a través de sus potentes tonos rojos y las líneas que rápidamente sugieren los contornos de los cuerpos de algunas mujeres.
Las siluetas de las mujeres desnudas se fusionan con el fondo de forma abstracta, la estructura a través de las muchas capas de pintura hace que la imagen cobre vida. El naranja, el negro y el rojo, que simbolizan el amor y la pasión, dan al cuadro de pequeño formato su fuego sin parecer demasiado erótico.

The picture is titled "Amigas", which means girlfriends. A painting that is bursting with energy through its powerful red tones and the lines that quickly suggest the outlines of some women's bodies.
The silhouettes of the naked women merge with the background in an abstract way, the structure through the many layers of paint makes the picture come alive. Orange, black and red, which stands for love and passion, give the small-format painting its fire without appearing too erotic.

Artist information

Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer

Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.

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Little 7.9 x 10.3 in272 $
Medium 29.6 x 37.8 in684 $
Big 51.2 x 65 in1.566 $
Personalized7.9 x 10.3 in
272 $

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