
serenade of feelings - serenata de sentimientos

Information on the original artwork

  • Country: Spain
  • Category: Painting
  • Technique: Acrylic
  • Medium: Canvas
  • Theme: Marine Painting
  • Measurements: 44.88 x 57.48 in
  • At Artelista since:
  • Tags: azul, mar, colores, profundidad, oscuro, vivos

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Artwork description

La obra de arte impresiona con su tamaño y colores fuertes. El azul profundo y oscuro recuerda a las profundidades del mar, donde las algas de colores se mueven en las corrientes marinas como un derroche de color. Líneas amplias y áreas de color en amarillo, rosa y azul claro llaman la atención. El cuadro estimula la imaginación y descubres más y más detalles cuanto más lo miras.
La obra consta de muchas capas de color y vive de su textura.
Su tamaño es: 146 x 114 x 3,5 cm

The picture impresses with its size and strong colors. The deep, dark blue is reminiscent of the depths of the sea, where colorful seaweed moves in the sea currents like a riot of colour. Sweeping lines and areas of color in yellow, pink and light blue draw attention to themselves. The picture stimulates the imagination and you discover more and more details the longer you look at it.
The painting consists of many layers of paint with a strong texture.
The size is: 146 x 114 x 3,5 cm

Artist information

Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer

Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.

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Little 7.9 x 10.7 in208 $
Medium 29.6 x 38.6 in524 $
Big 51.2 x 66.6 in1.198 $
Personalized7.9 x 10.7 in
208 $

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