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La Escampavía Yelcho, buque explorador perteneciente a la Armada de Chile que se hizo famoso por el rescate de los sobrevivientes de la expedición del Endurance al mando de Sir Ernest Shackleton el 30 de agosto de 1916. La Yelcho estaba comandada por Luis Pardo Villalón.
Chilean artist. Born in Puerto Montt. He currently lives in El Quisco Chile. Graphic Designer degree from the University of Chile. Pinta very young first developed a figurative theme surreal shades lately moving into more abstract themes but at the same searching for new forms of expression in the field of performing figurativo.Ha exhibitions and has won several awards:
-First Regional Painting Competition award in the City of Puerto Montt 1985 - First place in Youth Painting...
See more information about Edgardo Contreras De la Cruz