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Soltan believes his fantasy and in his paintings creates the faith in the audience. According to Soltan’s thought the main demand of art is to paint the unreality convincingly, logically, philosophically, clearly and simply. The art of painting should persuade people to the life, the future, not to create the terrible pessimism, the horrifying thoughts in them, and not to deprive the audience to the impatience, misunderstanding and depression. According to Soltan’s thought, when the audience can’t understand the work they should not blame themselves and must not tell “May be I do not understand”. Because everything in the world is understandable. There is no inconceivable work for the audience in the painting, there is a work created by the intellectual incompetence of the author. From this point of view, true art imposes the serious demands in front of the author firstly, the artist brings the truth together with the audience, conveys it to the essence of the reality and opens the new opportunities for the thinking.
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