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Elegí el título de "reflexión" por sus dos significados:
el retroceso de la luz por una superficie y el pensamiento o la consideración seria de algo.
Para mí, este cuadro no se suponía que se convirtiera en un paisaje, incluso si puedes encontrar uno fácilmente. Fue una búsqueda entre las capas de pintura lo que finalmente me llevó a él. Para mí, invita a pensar para descubrir para reflexionar sobre la vida.
I did choose the title of "the reflection" because of its two meanings:
the throwing back of light by a surface and the serious thought or consideration of something.
For me this painting wasn’t supposed to become a landscape even that you can easily find one. It was a search between the layers of paint that finally led me to it. For me, it invites to think to discover to reflect about life.
Slow Art by Doris Duschelbauer
Doris Duschelbauer is a German artist who lives on the Spanish Island Majorca where the sea, the light and the warm climate animates her to create these bright and light-flooded paintings.
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