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Cajón del Maipo II.
Pintura al óleo 70 x 50 cm.
El nombre Maipo deriva del mapuche "Maipun" que significa paraje de tierra cultivada. Es un cañón cordillerano rodeado de cerros, macizos y farellones ubicado en la zona suroriental de la Región Metropolitana, Chile, a tan sólo 46 km. de Plaza Italia, Santiago.
Es una de las maravillas que sólo puede entregar la Cordillera de los Andes, como sus ríos, cascadas, valles, montañas, termas y una flora y fauna única en el país.
Born in Iquique (Chile). Her earliest memories relate to the fans of their parents: drawing and modeling. So early as in the beginning was a game, became his vocation.
He began his formal art training with Stone Art School of the University of Chile. Later he completed his studies with classes in painting at the School of Fine Arts University.
In 1976, he won first prize for Crafts awarded by the Ministry of Education (EDUPROF) and...
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